Take it slow! Even when you put in a lot of padding time and engineer your day to have a slow pace, you’ll still be running around. Try the best you can to get a good night’s sleep the night before since you’ll be running from early into well into the night. If at all possible, try to plan a honeymoon as close to your wedding as you can, the vacation alone will help break you from the stresses of planning and it gives you time to look at each other and say “wow, we’re married now. I have this ring on my finger (if you choose to do that) and this is our graduation party into our lives as a baby family!”

Wedding planning advice would be never to be afraid ask questions, no matter how foolish you might think it sounds. The people you’ve hired are professionals and have more exposures to the “guts” of weddings than you do, even if this isn’t your first time having a wedding. Asking and having the clarity is so much better than not knowing and stressing about the ambiguity. There’s already enough to do and people to handle. Try to make sure you’re not adding unnecessary stressors on top of that.

Also, make sure you still take time to not plan the wedding. You’ll go through starts and stops. Make sure to always take time to do something “not wedding.” Whether it’s making sure to do the things you love together, keeping up as best as you can with your hobbies, or just making sure you go on dates together, it helps remind you of why you’re going through all the process of getting this huge party together, and it ensures your entire conversation with anyone you meet isn’t always about wedding, wedding, wedding which can get exhausting! – James & Dave

Words of Wisdom is an ongoing series in which wedding couples share their best bits of wedding advice.